Suggestioned Bible Software Links
Here are many resources to choose from. Excellent Bible Software and a Free online Bible
Net Bible
Free Online Bible with excellent materials, maps, commentaries, etc.
The link takes you to the help page where there are several videos to teach you how to use it! If you want to start using it, just click the "Net Bible" link at the top of the help page. Pastor Tim uses this website every week as he studies the Bible.
e-Sword electronic edge Bible Study
When using e-Sword, it's very easy to search for all occurrences of a specific Hebrew or Greek word, commentary, along with creating sermons, studies and other writings.
Bible Studies
Where you can find Studies by Author, Topic, Books, Verse, Series, or Language.
Investigating Faith
A place to find answers to your faith questions.
Here are links mentioned in Sermons along with other helpful Links.
Check here for links mentioned in sermons and for other helpful links.
Bible Study Tools
Read the most relevant articles, devotionals, encouragement for the day, In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley, Bible Study, movies, videos and much more from You can covering all facets of Christian living.
Creation Ministries - Gary Bates
1. Where did we come from? 2. Why are we here? 3. Where are we going? Creation Ministries International exists to promote the reality that God has revealed ‘true truth’ to us in the Bible. This includes the Bible’s account of Creation-Fall-Flood in Genesis, which is real history and very important for the Christian faith.
Answers In Genesis
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We provide answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis.
Christian Answers.Net
A mega-site freely providing biblical answers to contemporary questions. Discover answers about Apologetics, the Bible, raising Children, Entertainment and Movie options and Personal Issues. Christian Answers is something special — reaching about a million people per month in 43 languages.
The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. Come here and learn about false teachings such as Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Islam, the New Age, etc., as well as provide counter arguments for evolution, atheism, relativism, and abortion...
Bible Sprout
Bible Sprout is a educational Christian website focused on helping people know more about God’s truth through reliance on scripture.
Cybersex and Online Temptation Help
For a free accountability software and other help with battling pornography see:
Covenant Eyes
Internet Accountability and Filtering Tracking
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